Thursday, November 17, 2011

I want to get better at failing!

I was going to blog about my new kindle but Seth’s blog really hit me between the eyes. 

I remember starting out and hiding from failure.  Perhaps it came from my time in the military where failing is … well … less than accepted.  It more likely came from my earlier insecurities about who I am/was and how good/not good I am/was. (Confused yet?)

This ties in well with my theme of continued education so I thought I would run with it.

Pealing back the onion I guess I had a fear of authority.  Growing up with a single mom (like a lot us) Young human parents with issues of their own; I remember working on projects with my Dad that seemed be wellspring of frustration for both of us.  Somewhere between my childhood and early adulthood I got the silly notion that it was better to not try than fail and mated it the equally idiotic idea that if you were silly enough to attempt something don’t get caught when you screw up. 

No blame here just self-observation.

Having to get off my ass and feed my family tends to motivate me in strange ways.   I started to spend more time looking inward and understanding.  When we stop being so serious about ourselves we begin to learn.   

You’re not so dependent on being right. 

You don’t have a death grip on own ideas.  
… and your wife likes you a lot more.

Failing fast and learning fast are two things that live together quite well.
I would encourage reading Seth’s post about this and like my wife says to me “Get over yourself!”

After you've done your best

(and it didn't work) Seth Godin


  1. Very well put! I was just thinking about failing and insecurities and all that stuff today and this helped me tell myself what needs to be done, so thanks!

  2. So I Just Smile,

    You are welcome and I am happy to help!
